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What one kuroik Prince thinks he knows about me

In the book the protagonist reads the book titled the 6 witches of the scorching sands. They flip to the chapter titled blood. This chapter is about the blood witch.

The Blood Witch is a powerful and feared figure in the world of the 6 Witches of the Scorching Sands. Born from the Mountain Eaters, she was one of the few members of her clan who possessed magical abilities, and thus she was forced to keep them hidden in order to avoid execution. As she grew older, the Blood Witch became fascinated with the geology of the planet and the magic that could be found within its minerals. She dedicated her life to studying the subject, and eventually discovered that she had the ability to manipulate liquids.

Determined to use her powers to extend the lives of her fellow Mountain Eaters, the Blood Witch became a scientist and began experimenting with blood transfusions. She quickly learned that by using her own blood, she could extend her own life and age the blood of others. This led her to become a collector of children, whom she took in and trained to become powerful mages.

Over the years, the Blood Witch became known for her illusion magic, which she used to keep the children under her control and prevent them from remembering their true identities. She would often alter their memories, making them believe that she was their mother and that they were attending a school for elite mages from all over the world. Eventually, however, the children would break free of the Blood Witch's illusions and return to their homes, revealing that they had been taken from their families and trained by a powerful and mysterious figure.

Despite her fearsome reputation, the Blood Witch is driven by a desire to protect the world from external forces known as べぬ, which are incomprehensible to those outside the magical community. She trains her students to become powerful defenders against these threats, and ultimately, they become the guardians of the world.