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outline of nzk rebirth

the reason he needs to be reborn is because if he uses magic  it deteriorates his body coz hes not from this universe. its also super painfull

naruzkurai needs to hunt for what will become his soul gem, or atleast the neucleai for it.
and a soul net crafted by the legendary dwarf-dragon-spider kanaeza

so he searches the for it in the sands eventuially he finds it,
now he has to bring a chunk of melted desert sand (copper) that will be the size of his egg

they decide the ritual to rebuild / rebirth him a body is to go in the devide between the mirrorworld in the desert abyssal tower
then in the mirrorworld and makes a deal with some dragons to use fire and lightning dragons to melt the copper to the imolation point
then with wind magic he summons a wind storm to make waves of flame arround the moltan meta (something like when ang and zuko do the danciong dragon ritual for learning firebending) and then he eats the gem and jumps into the moltan metal
and desintigrates, as he goes into the boiling metal egg he dies, and an electrical storm disperses all the flame and wind and electricity of the other dragons in a huge explosion
some of the dragons throw the soul net over the electircal storm and the egg

two of the dragons start spiewing frost breath and magic dust to contain the data storm that is naruzkurai's mind to guide it into the newly formed egg
once its inside it a layer of frost builds up to protect it
then a leathery skin layer forms on the egg. an extreamly unusial combination of green and purple dots on the tan shell with a single line that wraps arround it so it looks like  3 black stripes

the line is like a timer
it will slowly fade away like as the new body for naruzkurai forms

how many years pass before he should be reborn and hatch from the egg