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Kuroik blood

I have something bugging me. And itsit's why not everything can use magic. Especially the invading humans, they have sufficiently advanced technology for molecular deconstruction. HoweverHowever, they aren't capable of using magic. 
I have blue blood, and itsit's probably the easiest thing to manipulate with my magic.
I have a hypothesis its:hypothesis: "allAll creatures that have magic similar blood type to me."
My reasoning: humans, most mountain eaterseaters, and several animals cantcan't use magic. Additionally, the Kuroik and dragons are capable of magical feats.
In order toTo test my hypothesis, I plan on collecting blood samples from other creatures that can and cantcan't use magic. OtherwiseOtherwise, I could try communicating with doctors and biology experts of civilizations. Inorder toTo compare and contrast the differences between us.
When iI was young, I was a doctor for my clan, and iI learned that uswe Mountan-Eaters have different blood types. The substance we have as blood is primarily the metal of our diet as children.
I was one of the few children thatwho grew up on a heavy diet of copper, which is highly unsual.unusual. 
I'm not familiar, with the dragonsdragons' diverse anatomy, so I will find a medical expert in the Xkhanku's Abyssal spire and explain the biology of the many dragons. 
I hypothesize that their proximity to copper influences theretheir ability to use magic. And copper is the reason why iI developed magic.
1-1-summer - 86
I've talked to one of the doctors in the Kuroik kingdom, Tsumika. And I've learned something quite interesting.
They are basically an organism made of multiple microscopic robotic organisms. They call these micro machines "Keiraits". 
Their bodies harnesharness the energy released from reverse-matter-matter mater explosions in orderreactions to keep themselves energized. 
Interestingly, copper is theretheir primary nutrition source. And it is used to create the super heavy element Kurozmium. 
Tsumika reviledrevealed to me that their bodies contain an unusialunusual state of mater.matter. They call it inverse mater.matter. 
Inverse particles are essentially the mirror image of itstheir corresponding matter particle, with opposite charge but identical mass & spin. For example, the antimatter counterpart of an electron (which has a negative charge) is called a positron, which has a positive charge. When a matter particle comes into contact with its corresponding antimatter particle, they annihilate each other, releasing energy mostly gamagamma rays. however when inverse kurozmiumKurozmium and copper touch they release keimeiKeimei particles and allow for the energizing of theretheir keireits.
The excess inverse waste product gets used by Nanites to rebuild Inverse Kurozmium for future reactions.
Their bodies have a special organ, Rikai that produces a metalic metallic-looking inert fluid they call Shikei.
They process inverse inverse-mater-mater mater collisionsreactions in the Shikei. Shikei circulates throughout theretheir body like blood. Shikei contains,contains both matercopper and inverse mater, aswellKurozmium, as thewell as the Nanites and Keiraits that process it. the
They reactionsay releasesthat Keimeiexcess particlesinverse kurozmium gets built up in their bodies and the Nanites giveallows them enough energy to do whatever they need to do.
whenever they produce excess Kurozmum there bodies are able to catalyze magic better.


Tsumika if this is similar to my body. as ive gotten better at magic I've grown quite a bit heavier and have more Kurozmum in my body and in my blood.
said that theyall aquirechildren acquire the majority of their nanites from theretheir parents when they are concived.conceived and allare requredrequired to grow into theretheir fully developed formform.
afterUsually, they are born typically theydoctors inject theirnewly birthed children with a nanite growth solutionsolution. orIf removethat's somenot ofan option their ownparents personaluse supply,their blood as a food source, so the child can have an increased ability to produce nanitesnanites. orOn nanitethe supplyrare sooccasion that they dont haveget the early artificial growth boost, their bodies and capabilities allways take longer to waitfully 20+mature, and have a lower avrage capability to cast magic for their age range. They take 10-20 years beforelonger theythan avrage to reach there peak saturation. andtheir full maturity.
capabilities they.

can live without the injection, however, they are only able to use small quantities of magic and are required to eat weekly instead of yearly, additionally they produce more waist product and arnt able to consume as much in a single sitting.

Tsumika occasionally administeradministers a nano-containment liquid as an energy booster for the children who train themselves in more traditional magic or chronomancy.
givenGiven most kuroik practice kronomancychronomancy, most children do have atleast a few doses in their childhood. Even though they dontpractice it from a young age, they don't typically travel more than 15 seconds as children and 15 minutes as adults. Tsumaki belives this is usuially a limitation of theretheir energy supply rate and howthe muchquanitty of inverse kurozmium is built upstored in theretheir body. 

The few Chromomacerers who can travel more than a few minutes have an exceptionally efficient energy suply rate and practice magic significnatly more than usuial. 
Tsumika is one of thoes few unforutante enough to have been born in a situation where she didnt get the nanite booster. Her adoptiove parents gave her multiple nanite containment boosters  for her magic training. Tsumika is one of the exceptions to the rule of not fully maturing late in her adolescence. She managed to be only late by three years.

Nano-containment Liquids: Liquids filled with nanobots designed to hold individual antimatter particles in electromagnetic "cages."