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Yara was born in a small village on the outer portion of Torosia, where magic was highly frowned upon and those who possessed it were often ostracized or worse. Despite this, Yara had always been drawn to the power of magic and spent much of her childhood studying and practicing in secret. As she grew older, she became more and more convinced that magic was the key to improving the world and helping those in need.

One day, while visiting a neighboring village, Yara came across a group of young children who were being bullied by older boys. Using her magic, she easily defeated the bullies and saved the children. It was then that Yara had an epiphany: if she could harness the magic of these young, innocent children, she could become even more powerful and use that power to make the world a better place.

Over the next few years, Yara traveled all over Torosia, seeking out children with strong magical abilities and offering them the chance to join her on a journey to greatness. Many of the children she approached were hesitant at first, but Yara was persistent and promised to show them the world and teach them everything she knew about magic.

One of the children Yara approached was Leyt, a young girl with incredible magical potential. Leyt was hesitant at first, but Yara was able to convince her by offering to be a mother figure and promising to show her anything she wanted. Leyt agreed, and together they set off on a journey that would change the course of history.

Over the years, Yara and Leyt traveled all over Torosia, seeking out new children with magical abilities and adding them to their ranks. Yara's ultimate goal was to create a group of powerful mages who could protect the world from any threat, and she was convinced that by harnessing the magic of these children, she could achieve that goal.

As Yara's group grew, it became known as the Witches of the Scorching Sands, and Yara was hailed as their leader and mentor. Together, they worked to make the world a better place, using their magic to heal the sick, defend the weak, and bring peace to troubled lands. And though Yara's methods were controversial, there was no denying that she and her witches were powerful forces for good in the world.


As a young doctor and scientist, I had always been fascinated by the power of magic. It seemed like such a mysterious and untapped source of strength, and I was determined to uncover its secrets. For years, I studied every aspect of magic that I could, searching for a way to harness its power for the benefit of my people.

But no matter how much I learned, there was always something just beyond my grasp. It wasn't until I stumbled upon a group of children with extraordinary magical abilities that I finally had my breakthrough. I realized that by tapping into their innate power, I could become stronger myself.

And so, I began experimenting on these children, stealing small bits of their magic to see what effect it would have on me. The results were astounding. With each transfusion, I felt my own magical abilities growing, and I could sense the children's powers increasing as well.

But as much as I wanted to share this discovery with the world, I knew that it would be met with fierce resistance. So I kept my work secret, gathering a small group of children from all across the planet to serve as my test subjects.

And it was among these children that I found my first apprentice, a young girl named Leyt. She was incredibly powerful, with the ability to see through my illusions even when no one else could. I knew that with her by my side, we could accomplish great things together.

So I asked her to join me, promising to show her whatever she wanted in return for her help. And to my delight, she agreed. Together, we set out to make the world a stronger, safer place, using our combined magic to protect the weak and defend against the dangers that lurked beyond our borders.