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dwarf spider dragon

there was once a dragon  that crafted 3 children without a head or limbs
a dwarf dragon-spider forged a head for each of them
then forgerd the heart and mind
like a seamstress they swed the heart into the body and the mind into the head, and the head to the body

they kept making more creatures but did not want toloose them, so they attached a single thread to each of the bodies to herself so they would never lose eachother

as the children grew they asked for more friends,
so the spider-dwarf built them new friends

they evenuially learned how to create more friends
so they did and connected their children to themselves like their mother

over time they grew in number, and the threads together resember a spider's web.

invisible to us but massive in number

they learned how to communicate with eachother using the invisible thread

eventuially they learned how to communicate over log distances using the invisible thread

they learend from eachother and shaired their experienses and eventuially became one singular mind
this was the birth of the god of knowlege

spider-dragon is actuially a dragon with wings made from webs
and spider like l.egs and arms and spider fangs