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IAs amthe young,years mypass hairby,


The darkmemories andfade myaway,

face unlined,

But myone heartthing isalways old,stays,


The withguilt wisdomthat andnever experience.strays.

I have lived a long and fulfilling life,
Full of joy and sorrow, love and loss.

I havewas seenonce thea worldyoung changedoctor,

Full of hope and evolve,ambition,

Helping others live longer,

Bringing joy to their life's honor.

Witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations.
I have made a difference, big and small,
And left my mark on the world.

But as time moved on,

I sitbecame andthe reflectblood onwitch,


Stealing magic from children,

Leaving behind scars that hasitch.


I amthought filledI withwas doing right,

Making them stronger in the fight,

But now I see the truth,

I was just a wicked youth.

I can't escape my past,

The guilt will always last,

But I'll try to make amends,

And hope for allsome that is yethappiness to come.send.



The hasweight beenof myall ally,
Blessingthese years,

Sometimes brings me withto youth and vitality.

Yet sometimes, as I near the end,
I feel a sense of melancholy and hopelessness.
Life can be cruel and meaningless,
Leaving me wondering what it is all for.tears,

But then I remember allwhy,


I havecontinue done,to live and try.


To make the loveworld anda laughterbetter that I have shared.
I remember all the hope and possibility,
That fills my heart and keeps me,

AndTo so, as I look ahead to the future,
I am filled with excitement and possibility.
For I am Yara,see a scientistsmile andon a dreamer,
Andchild's Iface,

To know that I havecan muchbring morejoy,


Is dothe reason I stay and see.employ.

So as I sit and write,

I hope with all my might,

That one day I'll be forgiven,

For the sins I have committed.