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I am young, my hair still dark and my face unlined,
But my heart is old, filled with wisdom and experience.
I have lived a long and fulfilling life,
Full of joy and sorrow, love and loss.

I have seen the world change and evolve,
Witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations.
I have made a difference, big and small,
And left my mark on the world.

But as I sit and reflect on all that has passed,
I am filled with hope for all that is yet to come.
For time has been my ally,
Blessing me with youth and vitality.

Yet sometimes, as I near the end,
I feel a sense of melancholy and hopelessness.
Life can be cruel and meaningless,
Leaving me wondering what it is all for.

But then I remember all that I have done,
All the love and laughter that I have shared.
I remember all the hope and possibility,
That fills my heart and keeps me going.

And so, as I look ahead to the future,
I am filled with excitement and possibility.
For I am Yara, a scientist and a dreamer,
And I know that I have much more to do and see.