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My heart was full of hope and my future bright,
As I dreamed of all the things I would do.
All the places I would go, all the people I would meet.

But as the solstices passed,
I becamepass, the Bloodwitch,name 'Blood Witch' becomes more and more feared,

A label given to me by a name I created and embodied.
A namesociety that oncedoes meantnot nothing,

They call me a burden, a weight that I could not shed.

As each solstice came and went,
The myth of the Bloodwitch grew and spread.
People called mevampire, an evil witch,



Draining the life fromof their children.
Leavingchildren, leaving them bruisedwith and scarred,
Withonly illusions for memories.

IBut wasthey an outcast,do not becauseknow the truth, they knewdo not see the magic that I waswield,

The power I possess, the Bloodwitch,
Butworld becauseas I see it with all its wonder and beauty.

They only see the Bloodwitchdarkness, wasthe evilfear, the pain that I am falsely accused of causing.


I am not the monster they believe me to be, I am a woman driven by desperation and life-draining.

I began as a young scientist with pure intentions, searching for a way to extend life and help those around me.

But as time passed, my name and my actions were twisted and distorted by fear and hatred consumed me,
Leaving me feeling alone and misunderstood.misunderstanding.

But I did not let their words and their lies,
Define who I am or what I believe.
I am Yara, a scientist and a dreamer,
Determined to make a difference in the world.

Even thoughNow, I am an outcast,
 reviled and hated, but not because they know my true identity.

No, it is because the Blood Witch is evil, life-draining, a creature to be feared.

But I cannot help but feel a sense of loneliness, a longing for understanding and acceptance.

For I am not the monster they believe me to be, I am a woman trapped in a role I did not choose.

I will notkeep letfighting, their judgments and their prejudices,
Stop me from following my passions and my dreams.
I will keep striving andfor learning,
Andsomething hopebetter, thatfor oneI day, they will seeam the truth.


Witch and I will not let their ignorance and their hatred,
Break me or defeat me.
I will keep fighting,
For what is right and what is true.

I will not let them win,
I will not let them control me,
I will not let them silence me.
I will stand tall and proud,
And let my voicealways be heard.misunderstood.