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948 total results found

List operations in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

Another data type we discussed previously is the list.Lists are useful because they allow you to store multiple pieces of data in a single variable.In the security profession, you will work with a variety of lists.For example, you may have a list of IP address...

Write a simple algorithm

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

In our everyday lives, we frequently follow rules for solving problems.As a simple example, imagine you want a cup of coffee.If you've made coffee many times, then you likely follow a process to make it.First, you grab your favorite mug.Then, you put water int...

Lists and the security analyst

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

Previously, you examined how to use bracket notation to access and change elements in a list and some fundamental methods for working with lists. This reading will review these concepts with new examples, introduce theĀ .index() method as it applies to lists, a...

Regular expressions in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

We've already learned a lot about working with strings.This includes working with their positional indices and slicing them.In the previous video, we applied these to extract the first three digits from a list of IP addresses.In this video, we're going to focu...

More about regular expressions

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

You were previously introduced to regular expressions and a couple of symbols that you can use to construct regular expression patterns. In this reading, you'll explore additional regular expression symbols that can be used in a cybersecurity context. You'll a...


[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

Congratulations!We accomplished a lot together.Let's take time to quickly go through all the new concepts we covered.We started this course by focusing on working with strings and lists.We learned methods that work specifically with these data types.We also le...

Reference guide: Python concepts from module 3; Terms and definitions from Course 7, Module 3

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 3

Built-in functions The following built-in functions are commonly used in Python. str() Converts the input object to a string str(10) Converts the integer 10 to the string "10" len() Returns the number of elements in an object print(len("secur...

Welcome to module 4

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

We've learned a lot about Python together already, and we still have more to cover.In this section, we're going to explore how a security analyst like yourself puts Python into practice.As a security analyst, you will likely work with security logs that captur...

Automate cybersecurity tasks with Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Automation is a key concern in the security profession.For example, it would be difficult to monitor each individual attempt to access the system.For this reason, it's helpful to automate the security controls put in place to keep malicious actors out of the s...

Essential Python components for automation

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Throughout this course, you explored coding in Python. You've focused on variables, conditional statements, iterative statements, functions, and a variety of ways to work with strings and lists. In this reading, you will explore why these are all essential com...

Clancy: Continual learning and Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

My name is Clancy and I'm a Senior Security Engineer.My team here at Google is part of an ongoing effort to protect Google's sensitive information, customer data, PII.Everyday is different at my job, it allows me to use different skills, knowledge sets, and no...

Access a text file in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Security professionals are often tasked with reviewing log files.These files may have thousands of entries, so it can be helpful to automate this process, and that's where Python comes in.Let's start by importing a simple text file that just contains a few wor...

Import files into Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Previously, you explored how to open files in Python, convert them into strings, and read them. In this reading, you'll review the syntax needed for this. You'll also focus on why the ability to work with files is important for security analysts using Python, ...

Parse a text file in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Now that you know how to import text files into Python, we're going to take this one step further and learn how to give them a structure.This will allow us to analyze them more easily.This process is often referred to as parsing.Parsing is the process of conve...

Work with files in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

You previously explored how to open files in Python as well as how to read them and write to them. You also examined how to adjust the structure of file contents through theĀ .split() method. In this reading, you'll review the .split() method, and you'll also l...

Develop a parsing algorithm in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

We're now going to bring all of the pieces together to import a file, parse it, and implement a simple algorithm to help us detect suspicious login attempts.In this video, we want to create a program that runs every time a new user logs in and checks if that u...

Portfoleo project: Algorythm for file updates in Python

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Algorithm for file updates in Python Project description this script automates management of an ip allowlist. the allowlist is in a file, and the script reads and writes to file. Open the file that contains the allow list import_file = "allow_list.txt" ...

Debugging strategies

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

As a security analyst, you might be required to read or write code.One of the biggest challenges is getting it to run and function properly.In fact, fixing complex errors in code can sometimes take up just as much, if not more, time than writing your code.This...

Matt: Learning from mistakes

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

My name is Matt.I'm a software engineer working in cybersecurity.When I was in high school, what I really want to do is music, I was a musician.I went to music school for jazz trombone.Partway through that process, I realized, no, bandleader in their right min...

Apply debugging strategies

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... module 4 (36% of the course lmfao)

Let's say our co-workers need some help getting their code to work, and we've offered to debug their code to make sure it runs smoothly.First, we need to know about the purpose of the code.In this case, the purpose of the code is to parse a single line from a ...