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Emmanuel: Useful skills for network security
My name is Emmanuel and I am an offensive security engineer at Google. For offensive security, my...
Tina: Working in network security
My name is Tina and I'm a software engineer at Google. As a software engineer, I work on an inter...
What are networks?
Welcome! Before you can understand the importance of securing a network, you need to know what a ...
Chris: My path to cybersecurity
My name is Chris and I'm the Chief Information Security Officer at Google Fiber. We provide high ...
Welcome to week 1
Before securing a network, you need to understand the basic design of a network and how it functi...
Glossary Cybersecurity
Terms and definitions from the certificateAAbsolute file path: The full file path, which starts f...
Introduction to Course 3 + course 3 overview
Introduction You've learned about security domains in previous courses.Now we'll explore one of ...
Page 1
-Embarrassment means that someone has seen or heard something about you that you didn't want th...
Mod the Cube
Summary : In this exercise, you'll be challenged to modify a provided script to change the behavi...
adressing the formating
as i do courses my formating does change from start to finish, i will attempt to adhear to a stan...
Lab 2 - New Project with Primitives
1.Create a new Unity Project and rename your scene "Just like we did with the Prototype, the fi...
questions i got wrong on all of my unity quizzes
Question 5 If you want to move the character up continuously as the player presses the up arrow,...
Collision Decisions + GAME OVER
1. Make a new method to spawn animals In SpawnManager.cs, create a new void SpawnRandomAnima...
Random Animal Stampeed
1. Create a spawn manager In the Hierarchy, create an Empty object called “SpawnManager” Crea...
3. Instantiation
The first thing we must do is give the projectile some forward movement so it can zip across the ...
2.Add the 3d assets + first few lines of code
If you want, drag a different material from Course Library > Materials onto the Ground ob...
1.Create a new Project for Prototype 2
Open Unity Hub and create an empty “Prototype 2” project in your course directory on the corr...
Lesson 2.1 - Player Positioning
Summary Overview: You will begin this unit by creating a new project for your se...
we will make a top down prototype where you shoot things that come after you, kindof like galiga ...
tenses (finsh plz)
Basic Tenses: These are the simplest tenses in Kuroik. They indicate the general time frame o...