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Tina: Working in network security

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

My name is Tina and I'm a software engineer at Google. As a software engineer, I work on an inter...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

What are networks?

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

Welcome! Before you can understand the importance of securing a network, you need to know what a ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Chris: My path to cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

My name is Chris and I'm the Chief Information Security Officer at Google Fiber. We provide high ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Welcome to week 1

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

Before securing a network, you need to understand the basic design of a network and how it functi...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Glossary Cybersecurity

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

Terms and definitions from the certificateAAbsolute file path: The full file path, which starts f...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Introduction to Course 3 + course 3 overview

[Completed] Professional Google Cyberse... getting started & introduction to networks

Introduction You've learned about security domains in previous courses.Now we'll explore one of ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Page 1


-Embarrassment means that someone has seen or heard something about you that you didn't want th...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Mod the Cube

unity devlog: jr programmer courses

Summary : In this exercise, you'll be challenged to modify a provided script to change the behavi...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

adressing the formating

unity devlog: jr programmer courses

as i do courses my formating does change from start to finish, i will attempt to adhear to a stan...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Lab 2 - New Project with Primitives

unity devlog: jr programmer courses

1.Create a new Unity Project and rename your scene  "Just like we did with the Prototype, the fi...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

questions i got wrong on all of my unity quizzes

unity devlog: jr programmer courses unity quizes (cheet sheets if fail)

Question 5 If you want to move the character up continuously as the player presses the up arrow,...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Collision Decisions + GAME OVER

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

1. Make a new method to spawn animals In SpawnManager.cs, create a new void SpawnRandomAnima...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Random Animal Stampeed

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

1. Create a spawn manager In the Hierarchy, create an Empty object called “SpawnManager” Crea...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

3. Instantiation

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

The first thing we must do is give the projectile some forward movement so it can zip across the ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

2.Add the 3d assets + first few lines of code

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

If you want, drag a different material from Course Library > Materials onto the Ground ob...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

1.Create a new Project for Prototype 2

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

Open Unity Hub and create an empty “Prototype 2” project in your course directory on the corr...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

Lesson 2.1 - Player Positioning

unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

Summary Overview: You will begin this unit by creating a new project for your se...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai


unity devlog: jr programmer courses Unit 2

we will make a top down prototype where you shoot things that come after you, kindof like galiga ...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

tenses (finsh plz)

Kuroik Dictionary

Basic Tenses: These are the simplest tenses in Kuroik. They indicate the general time frame o...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai

code quizze sites :D

cool stuff if...

Updated 1 year ago by naruzkurai